Are you addicted to work?
It was a while back now, when I was sharing with a friend and mentor when I said
The more I work full time, the less I feel like I know myself.
In my mentor’s true fashion, she got me to stop. She said “really think about what you just said”. As we discussed and I dwelled on what I had said, it became more powerful and apparent that work was becoming the thing that was preventing me from knowing myself. Knowing my emotions, knowing what I like and dislike, knowing what I enjoy doing on the weekend and how I like spending my time.
Our discussion led to us talking about how easy it is for work to become an addiction. Sometimes we jump into work to get away from what’s happening at home. Maybe we stay up late working on that deadline so we don’t have to face a tough conversation with our partner. What about staying late at work so you can avoid the craziness of planning an already busy weekend and deciding on which party you’ll go to and who you need to keep happy for that week.
What emotions are you avoiding by throwing yourself into work?
What part of yourself do you feel you are losing when you spend more time working?
I’m not just talking about doing over-time… I’m talking about the amount of time, energy and emotional connection work takes away from friendships, relationships, family, hobbies and down time.
Today… stop. Ask yourself where work fits into your life or maybe where life fits into your work.
Are you addicted to your work? Are you becoming addicted to your work? Are you using work as an escape or a reason to avoid your feelings or the vulnerable conversations with those dearest to you?
Be brave. Live true. Be honest. It might be the best decision you ever make.
Take Care on the Journey.
Journeez, Adelaide, are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. Please contact us today for further information about Self Care, Personal Development and Brené Brown workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups or to book a counselling or coaching appointment. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Choosing Courage, Vulnerability and Living Life to the Fullest.