Make a List of Self Care Options for You
Self Care is about valuing You.
I know that for me, sometimes life gets on top of me and I forget to put myself on the list. I have found it helpful to have a list of things that I can do for myself regularly and as a once off, that reminds me that I’m valued and that I’m worthy to spoil myself. Because let’s face it, if we don’t spoil ourselves, there is no proof that anyone else will do it for us.

My Self Care Tip for this week, is Make a List of Self Care Options for You.
Sit down and make a list of things you like to do.
Things that:
You would love to do if you had time (or maybe it’s about making time).
Make you feel like the time flies
You would like to do, just for the sake of doing it – it has no purpose.
Then print out the list or photo copy it so you can hang it in a couple places in your home. Put it somewhere that you will be reminded to take care of you.
I have mine on my bedroom wall and my fridge. I have two lists in fact. One is about what helps me keep on top of things (My Comfort Wisdom List) and the other is a list of things I like to do just because I can (My Playlist)
Comfort Wisdom List:
– Spend time out near water
– Exercise
– Eat healthy
– Spend time playing or listening to music
– Spend time Baking and Cooking
Play List:
– Putt Putt
– Baking
– Games Night
– Movies
– Time with family
– Dreaming and visioning
– Catching up with friends who are wholehearted
Make Your Own Self Care List.
Take the Journey.
Journeez, is located in North Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide and are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. Please contact me today for further information about Self Care workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups or to book a counselling or mentoring appointment. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Enhancing Personal and Professional Well-Being.