Tips for Work-Life Balance from a Mum
If you’ve read my work or heard me speak, you may know that I struggle with the idea of work-life balance. I think the reality is that there is so much more on the list of Life than there is on the list of Work – therefore meaning it is impossible to balance this idea of work and life.
However, this article caught my attention and I think there are some good points!
Work-Life Balance… These have been buzz words in middle to upper class western society for many years now. As Mental Health becomes more understood, work-life balance is even more talked about. Businesses and workplaces are being forced to address the issue of mental health in the workplace which includes supporting staff to have a healthy work-life balance.
I love a few of the comments the owner of Carmen’s Meusli Products, Carolyn Creswell, has to say about the topic of work-life balance and how she keeps a good balance between home/family life and work life.
Carmen’s is now the number one seller in Australian Supermarkets of gourmet muesli bars and Carolyn Creswell has managed to do this all while holding a happy and successful relationship with her husband and bringing up 4 children under the age of 10.
For those of you who are parents, your ears must be pricking up, wondering how she has done this. I know I was intrigued, especially when I heard she has 4 children and all under the age of 10!
When reading this article two things stood out to me about how Creswell keeps this balance. Firstly:
It’s important to recognise family commitments as equally important as work commitments.
This doesn’t mean you will always get to everything you want to for your kids at school or your spouses promotion dinner. It’s about the value and importance you put on family and work. I think the struggle comes for a lot of people, if they feel they have to be committed to one, more than the other.
And secondly:
Work-life balance is about the quality of your efforts, not the quantity of time you spend doing everything. “It is not the total hours you spend at your desk that means you have done a good job, but the quality of your output.
“It is not the number of hours you spend together as a family, but the quality of time together. And I encourage my staff to do the same.”
Creswell also talks about being present in the moment in whatever you’re doing. If you’re at work, then try and be as present at work as possible so you get the most done in the time you’re there, so you can leave on time and be with your family. Likewise when you’re spending time with your family, be as present as possible so you can contribute to their needs and create some incredible family memories.
Two tips to work-life balance:
Give equal value to work and family. And focus on quality, not quantity while being in the moment.
These are a couple tips that Creswell shares about work-life balance and how she has managed to build a business while also being the best wife and Mum she can be.
As you may be celebrating Father’s Day today, try and be in the moment with your family. Make the memories. Give the quality.
And for further reflection, what areas do you want to focus on this week?
Take the Journey!
Journeez, is located in North Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide and are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. Please contact me today for further information about Self Care workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups or to book a counselling or mentoring appointment. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Enhancing Personal and Professional Well-Being.