Contact Contact Contact
Recently I have been thinking about how we connect with or contact each other in our world and communities, both from a personal and business perspective.
How do you like to be contacted? Email? Phone? Text Message? Link to a website? Snail Mail? Face to face? Networking with a group of other like minded people? Social Media? Being part of a membership?
At the time, in my work as a Retail Assistant… Everyday I asked people if they would like to sign up to become a member of the Rewards Program. Some responses are “Sure that’d be great”; “OK, why not”; “Yep, how long does it take?”; “Does it cost anything?”; “What does it get me?” OR
“No thanks”; “No, I get too many emails already”; Nah, I don’t shop here enough”, “No! I already have too many cards”.
In our world of social media and email inbox’s that are overflowing with, tens, hundreds or thousands of emails, I feel like people are overwhelmed with information and trying to be told or sold something. So I’m wondering, if people don’t want to receive emails, how do they want to be contacted in our world of the World Wide Web which connects us to people from all around the globe?
As I grow Journeez and aim to support you where you are at, I would like to know how you would prefer to be contacted? Do you like email, social media (if so, which form), letters in the post, face to face catch up, phone conversation or text message? Or is there another way?
Maybe you have been thinking lately that you wouldn’t mind processing some of what’s happening in your life. If that’s you, or you simply want to explore more of who you are, counselling can help. Contact me to make an appointment or to find out more details.
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