How to have hard conversations
I have this picture and definition from Brené Brown of authenticity stuck on the wall in my toilet. It’s a good reminder for me several times a day to choose authenticity in my life and relationships and choose it often.
I have read this definition almost hundreds of times and yet this morning, it really stood out to me. That’s because today I am going to have some hard conversations.
Do you need to have some hard conversations? How do you stay true to who you are and not allow yourself to get caught up in what you think the other person wants.
For me… I try to stay true to who I am by choosing authenticity. I try and notice when I am defaulting to doing what I think the other people want me to do. I intentionally listen to my own heart and values and choose to be honest about who I am and what I need to be the best me that I can be. (Full disclosure… I definitely don’t do this perfectly…)
The part from this definition that specifically stood out to me today was that authenticity is a daily practice. So I can trust myself that every day previous to today where I have chosen to live authentically has been preparation for today. Today I can also be authentic. It’s not my first time and I know that authenticity is a good choice to make.
The other part was cultivating courage by being emotionally honest. This is often hard and I have a lot of negative self talk around being emotional and sometimes around being too honest.
Do you have some or one hard conversation to have? Will you choose authenticity and back yourself in the process?
Go. Be Bold. Choose Courage. Choose Authenticity. Trust yourself, because you’re worth it.
Take Care on the Journey!
Journeez, Adelaide, are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. Please contact us today for further information about Self Care, Personal Development and Brené Brown workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups or to book a counselling appointment. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog or follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Choosing Courage, Vulnerability and Living Life to the Fullest.