Everyone Struggles
Everyone has struggles in their life at one time or another. Sometimes the struggle is questioning “Who am I?”, other times it’s financial struggle or the kids seem to be misbehaving more than normal, or maybe it’s the struggle of authenticity and vulnerability. Often the struggle can feel like being between a rock and a hard place.
I recently read a blog post by Travis Doecke. He is in the process of taking on a writing challenge that he’s set for himself. He’s writing one blog a day for one whole year – yes, that’s right, he’s going to write 365 blogs in one year. Even the best bloggers who make a living off blogging don’t necessarily blog and publish every day, but Travis Doecke is. What an incredible goal to set for himself, and he’s doing an amazing job!
The thing I love most about Travis’ writing is his out right honesty, vulnerability, authenticity and courage. Especially throughout his Epic Writing Quest, he has talked regularly about the challenges. He’s shared when he’s struggled with writing a blog for that day or his hesitancy to write about something where he’s worried about what people might think and the criticism he may receive.
Travis writes:
I know that performing for the reader isn’t the answer, because it’s short lived. But I’m still figuring out how I hold in tension the diverse opinions that come my way, yet not be swayed by those same opinions.
The struggle between “do I perform? or try and not be swayed by the opinions of others?”
I don’t know how to harness this new success, but also stay true to my calling and not allow the crowd to influence the future words that I pen.
The struggle between embracing the feeling of success and not getting caught up in what I think people want to read, or in your case it might be the struggle between embracing the success and not getting caught up in what I think people want me to do, or be, or say.
And finally I love how Travis leaves this blog:
It’s hard, and I don’t know how to deal with it.
That’s it. I don’t know how to do it. I don’t know to deal with it. It’s hard. I don’t know. Can you resonate with that? I know I can. There have been many times in my life where I’ve gone through the “I don’t know” stage.
Be encouraged. Struggles are part of life. Yes, that sucks. You are not alone. Everyone has struggles. Make sure you share yours with someone, and make sure it’s someone who has earned the right to hear your story. Being vulnerable is hard, and it’s worth it and that’s why you need to share it with the right person or people.
Take Care on the Journey.
To subscribe to the Epic Writing Quest and read the rest of Travis Doecke’s blog please click here.
Are you struggling? Are the day to day pressures of life getting on top of you? Please contact me today to book a counselling or mentoring appointment. Journeez, is located in North Eastern Suburbs of Adelaide and are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. For further information about Self Care workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups click here. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Enhancing Personal and Professional Well-Being.