Self Care Tip – Declutter Your Inbox
I recently saw this picture:
When I saw this, it made me giggle. I am pretty padantic when it comes to my email inbox. I don’t like to have more than 10 unread emails in my inbox.
On my walk this morning it came to my mind that I need to go through my emails and delete anything that is more than 5 years old. Why? Well why not. I know that it’s not affecting me by having thousands of emails (albeit read) in my inbox. And I feel like it will be freeing to release some of the memories and events of many years gone by.
So my self care tip for today is to Declutter Your Email Inbox.
– If it’s not needed, why not delete it?
– If you need to action something, why not action it?
– If you need to reply to it, why not put an hour aside every week to go through your unread emails and reply to those you’ve been putting off?
Some simple tips to keep your inbox unread emails to a minimum:
– Unsubscribe from emails that don’t add value to your life – And it’s OK to say no when being asked to sign up to a rewards program.
– Set aside regular time to not only check your emails but to action or reply to them also.
– Delete emails you’ve read and no longer need.
It’s good for our brains and heart to minimise a lengthy list of requests, messages, emails, to-do-lists.
Make a cuppa and sit down for an hour to put a dent in your email inbox. It will be a well spent hour. You may say “I don’t have time to clean out my inbox”. You are worth spending your time cleaning out your inbox. Take a leap and give it a go!
Journeez, Adelaide, are specialists in Self Care and learning to look after yourself in this fast-paced society. Please contact me today for further information about Self Care workshops and seminars for businesses, churches or community groups or to book a counselling or mentoring appointment. You are also welcome to join the Journeez community by subscribing to this blog above or follow me on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Discovering Life to the Fullest.